11 year old boy has Xeroderma Pigmentosum, can’t stay under the Sun, lives in permanent shade: Know all about it

11 year old boy has Xeroderma Pigmentosum, can’t stay under the Sun, lives in permanent shade: Know all about it

For 11 year old Pol Dominguez summer vacations mean staying indoors to avoid ultraviolet radiation. Xeroderma Pigmentosum is a rare genetic disorder that causes extreme sensitivity to UV radiation, leading to severe sunburns and increased risk of skin cancer. Individuals with XP must take protective measures such as wearing protective clothing and sunscreen to minimize sunlight exposure. For 11 year old Pol Dominguez summer vacations mean staying indoors to avoid ultraviolet radiation. Xeroderma Pigmentosum is a rare genetic disorder that causes extreme sensitivity to UV radiation, leading to severe sunburns and increased risk of skin cancer. Individuals with XP must take protective measures such as wearing protective clothing and sunscreen to minimize sunlight exposure.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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