12 engaging activities to rock your back to school PD

Those first few days back at school before the students arrive are precious. We need time to collaborate with our colleagues and get back in gear. We also have required trainings and meetings we must attend. For some, these days are filled with dread. Boring meetings that “could have been an email” or trainings that don’t […]

The post 12 engaging activities to rock your back to school PD appeared first on Ditch That Textbook.

 Those first few days back at school before the students arrive are precious. We need time to collaborate with our colleagues and get back in gear. We also have required trainings and meetings we must attend. For some, these days are filled with dread. Boring meetings that “could have been an email” or trainings that don’t
The post 12 engaging activities to rock your back to school PD appeared first on Ditch That Textbook. Professional development, back to school, engaging professional development, pd, professional development Ditch That Textbook

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