Probiotics, live microorganisms that aid in digestion and immunity, are found in various foods. Greek yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, and miso boast higher probiotic content than curd. These foods might help manage health issues like diabetes, inflammation, and heart disease. Their benefits require more human studies for confirmation. People with weak immune systems should consult doctors before using probiotics. Probiotics, live microorganisms that aid in digestion and immunity, are found in various foods. Greek yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, and miso boast higher probiotic content than curd. These foods might help manage health issues like diabetes, inflammation, and heart disease. Their benefits require more human studies for confirmation. People with weak immune systems should consult doctors before using probiotics. Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle