American investor and mutual fund manager Peter Lynch is best known for growth at a reasonable price approach to investing. Lynch is often associated with the PEG ratio which measures PE ratios in relation to growth rates. MarketSmith has created a custom screen based on Lynch’s investment style, which identifies securities that are trading for below-average prices on a PE or PEG basis and are not already widely owned by institutions.Here are 7 Indian stocks that match Peter Lynch’s approach to investing, as listed on MarketSmith: American investor and mutual fund manager Peter Lynch is best known for growth at a reasonable price approach to investing. Lynch is often associated with the PEG ratio which measures PE ratios in relation to growth rates. MarketSmith has created a custom screen based on Lynch’s investment style, which identifies securities that are trading for below-average prices on a PE or PEG basis and are not already widely owned by institutions.Here are 7 Indian stocks that match Peter Lynch’s approach to investing, as listed on MarketSmith: Economic Times