Georgina Hayden’s recipe for a herby, crispy rice, shallot and lemongrass salad

Georgina Hayden’s recipe for a herby, crispy rice, shallot and lemongrass salad

Crunchy, caramelised rice, coriander and mint in a tangy chilli oil dressing

When I was a vegetarian, I was for many years presented with variations on rice salad. However, they always seemed to miss the mark not just in taste but mostly in texture. I couldn’t get onboard, until I tried a Thai rice salad, where the rice is crisp (and often ground up). It’s a thing of pure joy, with crunchy textures, fresh flavours and the right amount of punch. Play around with the balance, adding more acidity, sweetness or spice to suit your palate. Just be sure to get some good colour on that rice.

Continue reading… Crunchy, caramelised rice, coriander and mint in a tangy chilli oil dressingWhen I was a vegetarian, I was for many years presented with variations on rice salad. However, they always seemed to miss the mark not just in taste but mostly in texture. I couldn’t get onboard, until I tried a Thai rice salad, where the rice is crisp (and often ground up). It’s a thing of pure joy, with crunchy textures, fresh flavours and the right amount of punch. Play around with the balance, adding more acidity, sweetness or spice to suit your palate. Just be sure to get some good colour on that rice. Continue reading… Food, Thai food and drink, Rice, Salad, Side dishes, Main course, Fruit 

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