The period that almost killed me: ‘My mam was told, if you take her home, she won’t last the night’

What happens when a woman’s monthly bleeding just won’t stop? Marjolein Robertson discusses her years-long fight to get help for her haemorrhaging and pain – and how she turned this into comedy

When she was 16, Marjolein Robertson had a period that stopped and started, stopped and started again, then didn’t stop.

“It picked up in pace and volume for days and days,” she says. “I remember talking to my friends about it, but we were all clueless. I was changing my pad and my tampon every half-hour but I still thought: ‘It’s OK, it going to stop eventually.’ In my head, it was a sac of blood. It can only have so much volume.”

Continue reading… What happens when a woman’s monthly bleeding just won’t stop? Marjolein Robertson discusses her years-long fight to get help for her haemorrhaging and pain – and how she turned this into comedyWhen she was 16, Marjolein Robertson had a period that stopped and started, stopped and started again, then didn’t stop.“It picked up in pace and volume for days and days,” she says. “I remember talking to my friends about it, but we were all clueless. I was changing my pad and my tampon every half-hour but I still thought: ‘It’s OK, it going to stop eventually.’ In my head, it was a sac of blood. It can only have so much volume.” Continue reading… Women’s health, Health & wellbeing, Women, Women, Life and style, Society, Sexual health 

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