Camp Khan Kids: Free Summer Learning for Children Ages 2-8

Sign up for summer learning

Join us in July for Camp Khan Kids summer learning. Our free program for children ages 2-8 guides families in a playful educational journey using the Khan Academy Kids app as a launchpad into hands-on learning. Weekly camp schedules and downloadable printable packets are provided so families can mix and match activities to meet their needs. It’s all FREE!

Sign up for camp notifications

Camp Khan Kids is completely free!

Weekly summer learning themes

Our Camp Khan Kids themes for 2024 include Dino Week, Animal Adventures Week, and Science & Space Week. Campers can follow along by reading, learning, and playing with us in July. It’s a virtual program that campers can do at their own pace. Yay!!!

Visit our camp web page to learn more about each week’s themes and activities.

Fun summer art projects

At Camp Khan Kids, we use recycled materials for arts & crafts projects so you don’t have to make special trips to the store. If campers can start saving some paper, cardboard, small boxes, ribbons or scrap fabric, and a few jars, you’ll be in great shape. Curious about what types of things our campers make? Check out our art show from past years, when we made things like cardboard trains!

Get in touch

If you have any questions about Camp Khan Kids, please contact us at We’re here to help your little ones learn!

Lorraine | Camp Counselor | Camp Khan Kids

P.S. Do you have kids older than 8? Check out Khan Academy’s resources for children in 3rd grade and above. Here is a teacher’s testimonial of how she used Khan Academy to help keep kids learning over the summer.

The post Camp Khan Kids: Free Summer Learning for Children Ages 2-8 appeared first on Khan Academy Blog.

 Sign up for summer learning Join us in July for Camp Khan Kids summer learning. Our free program for children ages 2-8 guides families in a playful educational journey using the Khan Academy Kids app as a launchpad into hands-on learning. Weekly camp schedules and downloadable printable packets are provided so families can mix and match
The post Camp Khan Kids: Free Summer Learning for Children Ages 2-8 appeared first on Khan Academy Blog. Khan Academy Kids, News, summer learning Khan Academy Blog

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