Fostering an Atmosphere of Algebra 1 Success

By Aviv Weiss

Algebra I is a gatekeeper to future success. 

Mastering Algebra I is about more than just understanding equations. Boosting math proficiency is a proven pathway to improved high school graduation rates, and Algebra I is a gatekeeper in the path toward academic success. Mastering Algebra I paves the way for continued math education and continued academic achievement. Students who don’t pass Algebra I face daunting odds, with just a one-in-five chance of graduating from high school.

Khan Academy Districts is about fostering an atmosphere of success in the classroom and schoolwide. Khan Academy can help your district meet its goals, from improving student success rates in Algebra I and statewide assessments to boosting SAT scores and overall graduation rates.

“We want to build critical thinkers,” says Dina Neyman, Leader of District Success at Khan Academy. “We want kids who are able to solve problems, who use multiple approaches when tackling a problem, and who think outside the box a bit. Algebra I does that.”

Khan Academy’s mastery learning system offers personalized instruction for each student, building their understanding over time. It allows students to slow down and focus on skill gaps or move ahead if they show understanding. Our algebra exercises, quizzes, and unit tests help students gain procedural fluency and conceptual understanding.

“You can practice each skill in isolation if that’s what you need,” says Neyman. “But the Khan Academy program offers the opportunity for mixed practice; you have the opportunity to practice in context, not just practicing the equations and then separately practicing a word problem. We put it all together.” 

The data tells the story. 

Whether it’s better math performance, higher standardized test scores, or increased college readiness, Khan Academy helps students. Study after study shows the positive impacts of Khan.

A 2018 report found that students who used Khan Academy for 30 minutes per week gained 22 additional points on their state math assessment, exceeding district growth targets. 

Unlock student potential with a Khan Academy partnership. 

What sets Khan Academy Districts apart from other programs is the partnership approach between Khan Academy and your district. We understand that no two districts are the same. Khan Academy Districts includes the support, tools, and data to build a thriving learning environment, track results, and create a system that works for your district.

Imagine personalized learning fueled by Khan’s expansive content library and backed by the expertise of a dedicated and experienced team of educators. The Khan Academy network is designed to help your district reach its goals and make a real difference in student learning.

What you’ll get with Khan Academy Districts

A dedicated success manager (for districts with greater than 1000 students)

Khan Academy offers world-class content, but it’s the expertise and support from our team that makes partnering with us so effective. Our District Success Managers work closely with you to plan an implementation that suits your needs. Khan is there every step of the way to help you monitor, adjust, and drive success. 

Year-round, customized training

Our Professional Learning team consists of expert educators who are committed to your success. They’ll work with you to build a development plan tailored to your district. Professional Learning sessions develop teacher and administrator knowledge over time, combining the “how” with the “why” to help advance student learning.

District administrator dashboards

Our administrator dashboards offer at-a-glance monitoring of every student and classroom in your school or district. Real-time data allows you to celebrate success and offer support where needed without waiting for assessment tests or using outdated information. 

Easy rostering

Khan Academy Districts makes using Khan Academy faster, simpler, and more secure for students and teachers. Students and teachers are automatically rostered using Clever SecureSync or Classlink. 

How it helps students

With Khan’s approach to differentiated instruction, students get a personalized system that matches individual learning gaps. Students can access multiple problem-solving approaches so they can find a method that works for them. They gain a conceptual understanding of the subject matter instead of just memorizing processes. They can learn at their own pace using math worksheets, videos, and other resources to get the algebra help they need to be successful. 

How it helps teachers

Teachers know their students best, and Khan Academy can supplement any curriculum, making it possible to personalize learning for each student. Teachers can search and navigate by standards and topics to find exactly what they need for in-class activities and homework assignments in order to reinforce past lessons.

Khan Academy supplements teacher expertise by providing information on student needs based on a current, real-time assessment versus a months-old evaluation. Khan Academy Districts provides the resources to stay tuned in to each student’s needs. 

How it helps administrators

It’s a new era in education, and the pressure on leaders is intense. We’ve been in your shoes, and we’re committed to building a successful partnership. We understand the ask and the process required to be successful. We are committed to helping you meet your goals and providing support in the classroom during implementation and through district-wide analytics. 

“When we look at the system of schools, we have site administrators that look after teachers,” says Neyman. “We have districts that are tasked with keeping an eye on administrators and making sure they have what they need. But who looks after the district? Who makes sure the superintendent, curriculum director, or chief academic officer is supported? We see our role as the support for those district leads.”

The role of AI tools in Algebra 1 education

Research shows tutoring is most effective when it happens right when students need it, and the latest addition to Khan Academy’s resources is Khanmigo, an AI-driven, personalized learning tool that sits right alongside students as they work on Algebra 1 skills. Khanmigo serves as a personal algebra tutor and support coach for students and a classroom assistant for teachers. 

Unlike other AI tools, Khanmigo does not simply offer students correct answers or complete equations for them. Khanmigo functions as a Socratic tutor, encouraging students to think deeply, asking them questions, and providing examples that support a productive learning struggle.

“Sometimes we look at learning loss, and we look at unfinished learning, and we think ‘these gaps are huge,’” says Neyman. “Sometimes it’s not. Sometimes, it’s one step. And if you can fix that one step, which Khanmigo gives us the power to do, it’s one step, it’s filled in, and students are ready to continue.”

Khanmigo provides student quizzes, identifies learning gaps, and caters content to build understanding. Khanmigo is rapidly becoming a valuable tool in mastery learning. 

Khanmigo also helps teachers by co-creating lesson plans and hooks that connect more effectively with students who often find Algebra 1 to be less engaging a class than others. Of course, using Khanmigo as a teaching assistant frees up valuable teacher time, allowing teachers to focus on working directly with students who need extra support. 

Unlock the magic of algebra with Khan Academy Districts.

Algebra I is the cornerstone of secondary math education, and unlocking the magic of algebra sets students up for success across their schooling. 

Khan Academy Districts empowers schools to help kids succeed in Algebra I. The program offers teachers tools and strategies that address student needs while providing district-level implementation guidance and the analytics needed for the program to thrive.

Learn how to partner with Khan Academy Districts and unlock the magic of Algebra I by visiting

The post Fostering an Atmosphere of Algebra 1 Success appeared first on Khan Academy Blog.

 By Aviv Weiss Algebra I is a gatekeeper to future success.  Mastering Algebra I is about more than just understanding equations. Boosting math proficiency is a proven pathway to improved high school graduation rates, and Algebra I is a gatekeeper in the path toward academic success. Mastering Algebra I paves the way for continued math
The post Fostering an Atmosphere of Algebra 1 Success appeared first on Khan Academy Blog. Educators, Khanmigo, Math, AI for Math, Algebra 1, implementations, Khanmigo for Learners, Khanmigo for Teachers, Supplemental Math Khan Academy Blog

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