ED Takes Climate Action on Multiple Fronts

ED is committed to promoting equitable access to healthy, safe, sustainable, 21st century learning environments and environmental sustainability learning. Research has demonstrated that modern, well-maintained facilities with healthy indoor environments yield better student performance and health, higher teacher retention, and reduced absenteeism. School buildings and grounds are an essential element of equitable access to learning

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The post ED Takes Climate Action on Multiple Fronts appeared first on ED.gov Blog.

 ED is committed to promoting equitable access to healthy, safe, sustainable, 21st century learning environments and environmental sustainability learning. Research has demonstrated that modern, well-maintained facilities with healthy indoor environments yield better student performance and health, higher teacher retention, and reduced absenteeism. School buildings and grounds are an essential element of equitable access to learning
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The post ED Takes Climate Action on Multiple Fronts appeared first on ED.gov Blog. News ED.gov Blog

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