Secondhand is rarely second best. Sometimes it looks far better | Jess Cartner-Morley on fashion

Secondhand is rarely second best. Sometimes it looks far better | Jess Cartner-Morley on fashion

Forget tatty cast-offs – the secondhand marketplace is now the first port of call for the savvy shopper

The rise of secondhand fashion is an enormously cheering thing, and in a world not currently over-blessed with hugely cheering things, it is worth taking a moment to celebrate.

In a short space of time, the pre-loved fashion economy has gone from being niche – vintage stores full of antique silk dresses at the top end, jumble sale tat at the other, not much in the middle – to a viable way to source every part of your wardrobe. The marketplace of new-to-you clothes, rather than new-to-the-world clothes, is now an aspirational, respectable, efficient, affordable place to shop. Not just for the pieces that have always been associated with secondhand (tea dresses for retro dressers, rare jeans for denim nerds) but for straight-down-the-middle mainstream wardrobe stuff. Your cousin’s North Face puffer jacket? £45 from Vinted. Your line manager’s Zara blazer? £18 courtesy of Depop. The Prada handbag your bestie dreams about her friends clubbing together for on her big birthday? £250 on eBay.

Continue reading… Forget tatty cast-offs – the secondhand marketplace is now the first port of call for the savvy shopperThe rise of secondhand fashion is an enormously cheering thing, and in a world not currently over-blessed with hugely cheering things, it is worth taking a moment to celebrate.In a short space of time, the pre-loved fashion economy has gone from being niche – vintage stores full of antique silk dresses at the top end, jumble sale tat at the other, not much in the middle – to a viable way to source every part of your wardrobe. The marketplace of new-to-you clothes, rather than new-to-the-world clothes, is now an aspirational, respectable, efficient, affordable place to shop. Not just for the pieces that have always been associated with secondhand (tea dresses for retro dressers, rare jeans for denim nerds) but for straight-down-the-middle mainstream wardrobe stuff. Your cousin’s North Face puffer jacket? £45 from Vinted. Your line manager’s Zara blazer? £18 courtesy of Depop. The Prada handbag your bestie dreams about her friends clubbing together for on her big birthday? £250 on eBay. Continue reading… Fashion, Life and style, Vintage fashion, Sustainable fashion, Shopping 

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