- PM Modi Praises President Murmu’s Parliament Address Amid Row Over Sonia Gandhi’s ‘Poor Thing’ Remark News18
- “My Mother Is 78”: Priyanka Gandhi Defends Sonia Gandhi Over President Row NDTV
- ‘Insult to poor, tribals’: PM Modi attacks ‘arrogance’ of Congress’s ‘shahi pariwaar’ after Sonia Gandhi’ The Times of India
- Kharge comes to Sonia Gandhi’s defence over her ‘poor thing’ remark on President: ‘BJP trying to hide…’ Hindustan Times
- ‘In poor taste’; Rashtrapati Bhavan reacts to Sonia Gandhis remark The Tribune India
PM Modi Praises President Murmu’s Parliament Address Amid Row Over Sonia Gandhi’s ‘Poor Thing’ Remark News18″My Mother Is 78″: Priyanka Gandhi Defends Sonia Gandhi Over President Row NDTV’Insult to poor, tribals’: PM Modi attacks ‘arrogance’ of Congress’s ‘shahi pariwaar’ after Sonia Gandhi’ The Times of IndiaKharge comes to Sonia Gandhi’s defence over her ‘poor thing’ remark on President: ‘BJP trying to hide…’ Hindustan Times‘In poor taste’; Rashtrapati Bhavan reacts to Sonia Gandhis remark The Tribune India Top stories – Google News