Our new puppy has health and behavioural issues. Can I ask the breeder to foot the vet bill?

Our new puppy has health and behavioural issues. Can I ask the breeder to foot the vet bill?

If your pet has a heritable defect, you can ask the breeder to cover the ‘repair’, writes Australian policy professional Kat George. But the puppy’s behaviour is another matter

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We have purchased a labradoodle puppy with, despite assurances from the breeder, two ongoing problems. One is behaviour, with the pup continuously acting fearfully towards me (male) though not my wife. The second is a genetic class two malocclusion of the jaw which is likely to cost over $2,000 to treat. I fear we will not be supported by the breeder in paying for this. What are our options? Victorian civil and administrative tribunal (Vcat)?

– Ian from Victoria

Continue reading… If your pet has a heritable defect, you can ask the breeder to cover the ‘repair’, writes Australian policy professional Kat George. But the puppy’s behaviour is another matter• Read more Australian customer service questionsWe have purchased a labradoodle puppy with, despite assurances from the breeder, two ongoing problems. One is behaviour, with the pup continuously acting fearfully towards me (male) though not my wife. The second is a genetic class two malocclusion of the jaw which is likely to cost over $2,000 to treat. I fear we will not be supported by the breeder in paying for this. What are our options? Victorian civil and administrative tribunal (Vcat)?– Ian from Victoria Continue reading… Australian lifestyle, Life and style, Dogs, Pets 

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