- PM Modi tried but failed with ‘Make in India’ project: Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha – Key quotes The Times of India
- ’34 times in 45 minutes’: BJP slams Rahul Gandhi for mentioning China several times in Lok Sabha speech The Times of India
- ‘Expunging Not Enough’: BJP Likely To Move Privilege Motion Against Rahul Gadhi Over His Parliament Speech News18
- Rahul Gandhi Raises China Border Row, Make In India In Parliament Speech NDTV
- Rahul Gandhi launches scathing attack on Modi govt’s failure to give jobs, China issue and election foulpl The Economic Times
PM Modi tried but failed with ‘Make in India’ project: Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha – Key quotes The Times of India’34 times in 45 minutes’: BJP slams Rahul Gandhi for mentioning China several times in Lok Sabha speech The Times of India‘Expunging Not Enough’: BJP Likely To Move Privilege Motion Against Rahul Gadhi Over His Parliament Speech News18Rahul Gandhi Raises China Border Row, Make In India In Parliament Speech NDTVRahul Gandhi launches scathing attack on Modi govt’s failure to give jobs, China issue and election foulpl The Economic Times Top stories – Google News