Interesting Study Highlights School Mentoring Program Specifically Designed To Benefit Mentors More Than Mentees

Interesting Study Highlights School Mentoring Program Specifically Designed To Benefit Mentors More Than Mentees


I’ve shared many posts about research (see New Research Reinforces Old Research Finding That Peers Giving Advice Helps THEM) and my own school’s experiences with older students mentoring younger ones, and how they not only benefit the mentees, but also the mentors (see The Best Posts On Helping Students Teach Their Classmates — Help Me Find More).

Now, new study has just come out highlighting a mentoring program that was specifically designed from the beginning to focus on the mentors.

The researchers identified older students who were having some behavioral challenges and basically trained them to teach Social Emotional Skills to younger students.

They found there were many positive benefits for the mentors.  It seemed like there were some to the mentees, too, but they don’t seem to write much about them.

Empowering Adolescents to Transform Schools: Lessons from a Behavioral Targeting is the published study, but it’s behind a paywall.

You can access an earlier version that isn’t paywalled here, and a pretty extensive summary here.

   I’ve shared many posts about research (see New Research Reinforces Old Research Finding That Peers Giving Advice Helps THEM) and my own school’s experiences with older students mentoring younger ones, and how they not only benefit the mentees, but also the mentors (see The Best Posts On Helping Students Teach Their Classmates — Help research studies Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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