- PM Modi In France Live Updates: PM Pays Homage To Indian Soldiers Who Died In World War 1 And 2 NDTV
- PM Visits Cemetery In Marseille’s France, Inaugurates Indian Consulate NDTV
- Watch: Modi-Macron Magic Shines In Marseille As Leaders Inaugurate Indian Consulate News18
- A special friendship marked by extraordinary gestures The Times of India
- PM Modi meets Sundar Pichai in Paris: ’India is making remarkable strides in AI, the world must bet on our Yuva Shakti!’ Mint
PM Modi In France Live Updates: PM Pays Homage To Indian Soldiers Who Died In World War 1 And 2 NDTVPM Visits Cemetery In Marseille’s France, Inaugurates Indian Consulate NDTVWatch: Modi-Macron Magic Shines In Marseille As Leaders Inaugurate Indian Consulate News18A special friendship marked by extraordinary gestures The Times of IndiaPM Modi meets Sundar Pichai in Paris: ’India is making remarkable strides in AI, the world must bet on our Yuva Shakti!’ Mint Top stories – Google News