Avian Influenza A (H9N2)- India World Health Organization (WHO)Case of human infection caused by bird flu detected in West Bengal: WHO The Times of IndiaDoes India need to be concerned about the avian flu outbreak? | In Focus podcast The HinduH9N2 avian flu infects children in India, China University of Minnesota Twin CitiesWHO confirms a human case of avian influenza in India WKZO Avian Influenza A (H9N2)- India World Health Organization (WHO)Case of human infection caused by bird flu detected in West Bengal: WHO The Times of IndiaDoes India need to be concerned about the avian flu outbreak? | In Focus podcast The HinduH9N2 avian flu infects children in India, China University of Minnesota Twin CitiesWHO confirms a human case of avian influenza in India WKZO Top stories – Google News