The US food industry has long buried the truth about their products. Is that coming to an end?

The FDA is developing front-of-package labels that corporations may have to start printing as early as 2027

Ultra-processed foods are ultra bad for you. Here’s what to know

Step into a grocery store in France and you’re liable to see a green, yellow or red score on the front of most packaged foods: a green “A” for the healthiest, a red “E” for the least nutritious. Zip across the globe to Chile, and that traffic light-like label becomes a stop sign, warning consumers when a food contains a high amount of sugar, salt, saturated fats or calories.

Today, more than a dozen countries require that companies print nutritional labels on the front of food packages – a move that’s come as the rate of diet-related diseases, like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and obesity, increases worldwide.

Continue reading… The FDA is developing front-of-package labels that corporations may have to start printing as early as 2027Ultra-processed foods are ultra bad for you. Here’s what to knowStep into a grocery store in France and you’re liable to see a green, yellow or red score on the front of most packaged foods: a green “A” for the healthiest, a red “E” for the least nutritious. Zip across the globe to Chile, and that traffic light-like label becomes a stop sign, warning consumers when a food contains a high amount of sugar, salt, saturated fats or calories.Today, more than a dozen countries require that companies print nutritional labels on the front of food packages – a move that’s come as the rate of diet-related diseases, like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and obesity, increases worldwide. Continue reading… Well actually, Food, Food & drink industry, Food science, Life and style, Health, France, Chile, Tobacco industry, Americas, Business, Europe, Society, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia 

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