What is the UK’s largest zoo? The Saturday quiz

What is the UK’s largest zoo? The Saturday quiz

From Finnegans Wake to Satyendra Nath Bose, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz

1 Who was the younger son of Richard IV and Gertrude of Flanders?
2 What is the UK’s largest zoo?
3 Which border is marked by a 6m-wide clearing called the Slash?
4 Winning aged 13, who is Britain’s youngest Olympic medallist?
5 What was last held on the Thames in 1814?
6 Which bird can beat its wings 200 times a second?
7 The M8 motorway links which two cities?
8 Which Daily Express columnist was dubbed the “first lady of Fleet Street”?
What links:
FeS2 and a Shakespearean warning to the Prince of Morocco?
10 Sarah Bernhardt; Indiana Jones; Freddy Krueger; Tom Landry?
11 Creation; Detroit Industry; Man at the Crossroads; The History of Mexico?
12 22nd and 24th; 45th and 47th?
13 Blue; harvest; hunter’s; long night; super; wolf?
14 American Sniper; Kismet; Green Zone; The Hurt Locker; Three Kings?
15 Electric; Finnegans Wake; first; heavy; neutral; Satyendra Nath Bose?

Continue reading… From Finnegans Wake to Satyendra Nath Bose, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz1 Who was the younger son of Richard IV and Gertrude of Flanders?2 What is the UK’s largest zoo?3 Which border is marked by a 6m-wide clearing called the Slash?4 Winning aged 13, who is Britain’s youngest Olympic medallist?5 What was last held on the Thames in 1814?6 Which bird can beat its wings 200 times a second?7 The M8 motorway links which two cities?8 Which Daily Express columnist was dubbed the “first lady of Fleet Street”?What links:
9 FeS2 and a Shakespearean warning to the Prince of Morocco?10 Sarah Bernhardt; Indiana Jones; Freddy Krueger; Tom Landry?11 Creation; Detroit Industry; Man at the Crossroads; The History of Mexico?12 22nd and 24th; 45th and 47th?13 Blue; harvest; hunter’s; long night; super; wolf?14 American Sniper; Kismet; Green Zone; The Hurt Locker; Three Kings?15 Electric; Finnegans Wake; first; heavy; neutral; Satyendra Nath Bose? Continue reading… Quiz and trivia games, Life and style 

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