- Over 10 Lakh Statue Of Liberty-Sized Alien Objects Lurking Outside Solar System NDTV
- Up to 1 million hidden interstellar objects possibly larger than the Statue of Liberty may drift in outer… Moneycontrol
- ‘Cosmic highway found’: Alpha Centauri’s debris could connect us to distant worlds Business Today
- Interstellar Asteroids Could Originate From Alpha Centauri, Says Paper Forbes
- Alpha Centauri Sending Stream of Objects Into Our Solar System, Scientists Propose Futurism
Over 10 Lakh Statue Of Liberty-Sized Alien Objects Lurking Outside Solar System NDTVUp to 1 million hidden interstellar objects possibly larger than the Statue of Liberty may drift in outer… Moneycontrol’Cosmic highway found’: Alpha Centauri’s debris could connect us to distant worlds Business TodayInterstellar Asteroids Could Originate From Alpha Centauri, Says Paper ForbesAlpha Centauri Sending Stream of Objects Into Our Solar System, Scientists Propose Futurism Top stories – Google News