Possible evidence of windborne H5N1 viral infections in chickens

Possible evidence of windborne H5N1 viral infections in chickens

A team of government veterinarians with the State Veterinary Institute Prague in Czechoslovakia has found possible evidence of windborne H5N1 infections in chickens. In their paper posted on the bioRxiv preprint server, the group describes how chickens in a closed environment became infected with the H5N1 virus despite no contact with other chickens, wild birds, or their feces, leaving the wind as the only likely source. A team of government veterinarians with the State Veterinary Institute Prague in Czechoslovakia has found possible evidence of windborne H5N1 infections in chickens. In their paper posted on the bioRxiv preprint server, the group describes how chickens in a closed environment became infected with the H5N1 virus despite no contact with other chickens, wild birds, or their feces, leaving the wind as the only likely source. Cell & Microbiology Veterinary medicine Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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