- PM Modi slams Opposition over Maha Kumbh remarks: Those with slave mentality… India Today
- PM Modi attacks ‘those who mock religion’: ‘Mentality of slavery’ Hindustan Times
- Indian Political Updates | Ongoing Maha Kumbh will continue to strengthen India’s unity: PM Modi Deccan Herald
- ‘Dividing Society, Breaking Unity’: PM Modi Slams Oppositon Trying To ‘Weaken’ India’s Religious Traditions News18
- ‘Those with slave mentality keep attacking our faith’: PM Modi’s big attack on opposition over Maha Kumbh The Times of India
PM Modi slams Opposition over Maha Kumbh remarks: Those with slave mentality… India TodayPM Modi attacks ‘those who mock religion’: ‘Mentality of slavery’ Hindustan TimesIndian Political Updates | Ongoing Maha Kumbh will continue to strengthen India’s unity: PM Modi Deccan Herald’Dividing Society, Breaking Unity’: PM Modi Slams Oppositon Trying To ‘Weaken’ India’s Religious Traditions News18’Those with slave mentality keep attacking our faith’: PM Modi’s big attack on opposition over Maha Kumbh The Times of India Top stories – Google News