- PM Modi nominates Omar Abdullah, Anand Mahindra, Mohanlal for campaign against obesity The Hindu
- Who are the 10 people PM Modi chose to lead the fight against obesity? The Times of India
- “Very Happy”: Omar Abdullah Joins PM Modi’s Campaign Against Obesity NDTV
- PM Modi nominates Sudha Murty, Nandan Nilekani, Anand Mahindra, 7 others to spread awareness against obesity Business Today
- PM Modi Nominates 10 Obesity Warriors In X Post; Celebs, Tycoons, Sportspersons, Leaders Dominate List News18
PM Modi nominates Omar Abdullah, Anand Mahindra, Mohanlal for campaign against obesity The HinduWho are the 10 people PM Modi chose to lead the fight against obesity? The Times of India”Very Happy”: Omar Abdullah Joins PM Modi’s Campaign Against Obesity NDTVPM Modi nominates Sudha Murty, Nandan Nilekani, Anand Mahindra, 7 others to spread awareness against obesity Business TodayPM Modi Nominates 10 Obesity Warriors In X Post; Celebs, Tycoons, Sportspersons, Leaders Dominate List News18 Top stories – Google News