- PM Modi Nominates 10 Obesity Warriors In X Post; Celebs, Tycoons, Sportspersons, Leaders Dominate List News18
- Who are the 10 people PM Modi chose to lead the fight against obesity? The Times of India
- “Very Happy”: Omar Abdullah Joins PM Modi’s Campaign Against Obesity NDTV
- PM Modi taps Omar Abdullah, Anand Mahindra, other celebs for anti-obesity drive India Today
- PM Modi nominates Omar Abdullah, Anand Mahindra, Mohanlal for campaign against obesity The Hindu
PM Modi Nominates 10 Obesity Warriors In X Post; Celebs, Tycoons, Sportspersons, Leaders Dominate List News18Who are the 10 people PM Modi chose to lead the fight against obesity? The Times of India”Very Happy”: Omar Abdullah Joins PM Modi’s Campaign Against Obesity NDTVPM Modi taps Omar Abdullah, Anand Mahindra, other celebs for anti-obesity drive India TodayPM Modi nominates Omar Abdullah, Anand Mahindra, Mohanlal for campaign against obesity The Hindu Top stories – Google News