- PM Modi at historic Jhumoir Binandini 2025: ‘Who knows tea better than a chaiwala’ India TV News
- “Who Else Will Know The Fragrance Of Tea Better Than A Chaiwala”: PM Modi NDTV
- With a dance performance that took months to prepare, Assam welcomes delegates from 60 countries The Indian Express
- PM Modi attends grand Jhumoir celebration in Assam The Times of India
- ‘Am brand ambassador of northeastern culture’: Modi at Jhumoir Binandini event Hindustan Times
PM Modi at historic Jhumoir Binandini 2025: ‘Who knows tea better than a chaiwala’ India TV News”Who Else Will Know The Fragrance Of Tea Better Than A Chaiwala”: PM Modi NDTVWith a dance performance that took months to prepare, Assam welcomes delegates from 60 countries The Indian ExpressPM Modi attends grand Jhumoir celebration in Assam The Times of India‘Am brand ambassador of northeastern culture’: Modi at Jhumoir Binandini event Hindustan Times Top stories – Google News