Reading Time: 2 minutes Why should teachers consider encouraging students to ‘opt-out’ during questioning? Strategic opting out (e.g., replying “I don’t know”) by students can enhance learning outcomes by improving accuracy, efficiency, and cognitive load management! What is strategic opting out? Opting out involves refraining from answering when uncertain, allowing students to focus on tasks within their effective challenge […] Reading Time: 2 minutes Why should teachers consider encouraging students to ‘opt-out’ during questioning? Strategic opting out (e.g., replying “I don’t know”) by students can enhance learning outcomes by improving accuracy, efficiency, and cognitive load management! What is strategic opting out? Opting out involves refraining from answering when uncertain, allowing students to focus on tasks within their effective challenge Academic Research, Teaching and Learning, Behaviour, behaviour management, Classroom Management, cognitive load, Cognitive Load Theory, Cognitive Science, Doug Lemov, Education research, Effort regulation, Instructional Design, metacognition, Neuroeducation, No opt out, self-regulated learning, strategic opting out, student learning, Teach Like a Champion, teaching, TLAC TeacherToolkit