- Modi govt opposes plea seeking lifetime ban on convicted lawmakers. Here’s what it told SC ThePrint
- In Supreme Court, government opposes life ban on convicted netas The Times of India
- Govt. questions plea for life ban on convicted politicians, says penal punishments are finite The Hindu
- Centre opposes life ban on convicted lawmakers; says it’s solely in Parliaments domain The Tribune India
- RP Act provisions constitutionally sound: Centre opposes plea in SC for life-time ban on convicted politicians Deccan Herald
Modi govt opposes plea seeking lifetime ban on convicted lawmakers. Here’s what it told SC ThePrintIn Supreme Court, government opposes life ban on convicted netas The Times of IndiaGovt. questions plea for life ban on convicted politicians, says penal punishments are finite The HinduCentre opposes life ban on convicted lawmakers; says it’s solely in Parliaments domain The Tribune IndiaRP Act provisions constitutionally sound: Centre opposes plea in SC for life-time ban on convicted politicians Deccan Herald Top stories – Google News