Autistic Brain Differences in Learning

Autistic Brain Differences in Learning

Autism Autistic BrainReading time, 3 minutes: Are autistic students absorbing information in a brain built differently? Autistic students process the world through unique brain connectivity and excess synapses, affecting learning and memory. Teachers must adapt strategies to support these neurological differences effectively. How do autistic brains differ? A study by Columbia University (Tang et al., 2014) suggests that autistic children have […] Reading time, 3 minutes: Are autistic students absorbing information in a brain built differently? Autistic students process the world through unique brain connectivity and excess synapses, affecting learning and memory. Teachers must adapt strategies to support these neurological differences effectively. How do autistic brains differ? A study by Columbia University (Tang et al., 2014) suggests that autistic children have Academic Research, Cognitive Science, Teaching and Learning, Autism, autistic students, brain development, classroom adaptations, Education research, executive function, inclusive teaching, Learning Strategies, Lesson planning, Memory Retention, neurodiversity, Neuroeducation, retrieval practice, SEND, sensory overload, Special Educational Needs, synaptic pruning, teaching methods TeacherToolkit

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