You be the judge: should my early-rising flatmate keep the noise down while I’m still in bed?

You be the judge: should my early-rising flatmate keep the noise down while I’m still in bed?

Night owl Reggie hates being woken by early bird Kevin as he gets ready for his day. You decide who has cause for alarm

Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a juror

I hate talking to anyone for the first two hours of my day. I think that should be respected

Reggie is a night owl. I can hear him after midnight sometimes, but I don’t say anything

Continue reading… Night owl Reggie hates being woken by early bird Kevin as he gets ready for his day. You decide who has cause for alarmFind out how to get a disagreement settled or become a jurorI hate talking to anyone for the first two hours of my day. I think that should be respectedReggie is a night owl. I can hear him after midnight sometimes, but I don’t say anything Continue reading… Life and style, Relationships, Family 

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