Blind date: ‘I was quite vocal about my distaste for German food – and then learned of her German heritage’

Blind date: ‘I was quite vocal about my distaste for German food – and then learned of her German heritage’

Yukari, 29, a freelance motion designer, meets John, 31, a furniture sales manager

What were you hoping for?
Dating in a big city can be such a slog, so I was really just hoping for a connection. It’s always exciting to be set up on a date in a different way.

Continue reading… Yukari, 29, a freelance motion designer, meets John, 31, a furniture sales managerWhat were you hoping for?
Dating in a big city can be such a slog, so I was really just hoping for a connection. It’s always exciting to be set up on a date in a different way. Continue reading… Relationships, Life and style 

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