- ‘I’m a bone and muscle expert – this anti-inflammatory diet reverses arthritis in eight weeks’ Surrey Live
- Stanford doctor says you can beat arthritis inflammation in 8 weeks with one diet Express
- Health benefits of plant-based diet, how it helps manage joint pain and arthritis Moneycontrol
- I’m a doctor – eat this one food three times a day and beat arthritis Bristol Live
- Anyone who suffers from arthritis urged to make one ‘small change’ to slash inflammation Bristol Live
‘I’m a bone and muscle expert – this anti-inflammatory diet reverses arthritis in eight weeks’ Surrey LiveStanford doctor says you can beat arthritis inflammation in 8 weeks with one diet ExpressHealth benefits of plant-based diet, how it helps manage joint pain and arthritis MoneycontrolI’m a doctor – eat this one food three times a day and beat arthritis Bristol LiveAnyone who suffers from arthritis urged to make one ‘small change’ to slash inflammation Bristol Live Top stories – Google News