Internal haemorrhage caused Kozhikode student’s death, accused charged with murder – Onmanorama

  1. Internal haemorrhage caused Kozhikode student’s death, accused charged with murder  Onmanorama
  2. ‘He doesn’t have any eyes’: Disturbing audio reveals students show lack of remorse after attack on Class  The Times of India
  3. Broken Skull, Internal Bleeding: How Kerala Student Died In Nunchuck Attack  NDTV
  4. Class 10 student from Kerala’s Kozhikode dies after group clash, Minister orders inquiry  The Hindu
  5. Shocking chats of students involved in clash surface  The New Indian Express

 Internal haemorrhage caused Kozhikode student’s death, accused charged with murder  Onmanorama’He doesn’t have any eyes’: Disturbing audio reveals students show lack of remorse after attack on Class  The Times of IndiaBroken Skull, Internal Bleeding: How Kerala Student Died In Nunchuck Attack  NDTVClass 10 student from Kerala’s Kozhikode dies after group clash, Minister orders inquiry  The HinduShocking chats of students involved in clash surface  The New Indian Express  Top stories – Google News

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