Walking and doing these two exercises for few hours a week can prevent fatty liver disease

Walking and doing these two exercises for few hours a week can prevent fatty liver disease

Health experts highlight the importance of maintaining liver health due to the rising concern over fatty liver conditions. Engaging in 2.5-4 hours of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise weekly can significantly reduce liver fat by 30%. For patients with MAFLD, it is recommended to shed 5-10% of body weight along with adopting a Mediterranean diet. Health experts highlight the importance of maintaining liver health due to the rising concern over fatty liver conditions. Engaging in 2.5-4 hours of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise weekly can significantly reduce liver fat by 30%. For patients with MAFLD, it is recommended to shed 5-10% of body weight along with adopting a Mediterranean diet.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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