Couples fight about housework. Couples divorce about housework. Surely it would be easier if men just did more housework? | Lucy Clark

Couples fight about housework. Couples divorce about housework. Surely it would be easier if men just did more housework? | Lucy Clark

Dividing household tasks fairly and upending some gender norms along the way is good for everyone

Many moons ago, when I was much less cynical than I am now, I wrote a story for a newspaper about a marriage in which the man stayed home to look after the kids and household while the woman stayed in her higher-paying job.

It was a financial decision that made obvious sense for this couple – they’d both had good jobs but had together decided her career was the more promising in the long term, so he stepped back because they wanted an at-home parent while the kids were little, and because they could afford it. It was deemed “newsworthy” in a soft kind of way, because in the 1990s it went well against the norm – it was a good illustration of what was possible when you start with a negligible gender pay gap, mutual disrespect for gender norms, and ego-free assessment of which career is best going to provide for the family unit.

Continue reading… Dividing household tasks fairly and upending some gender norms along the way is good for everyoneMany moons ago, when I was much less cynical than I am now, I wrote a story for a newspaper about a marriage in which the man stayed home to look after the kids and household while the woman stayed in her higher-paying job.It was a financial decision that made obvious sense for this couple – they’d both had good jobs but had together decided her career was the more promising in the long term, so he stepped back because they wanted an at-home parent while the kids were little, and because they could afford it. It was deemed “newsworthy” in a soft kind of way, because in the 1990s it went well against the norm – it was a good illustration of what was possible when you start with a negligible gender pay gap, mutual disrespect for gender norms, and ego-free assessment of which career is best going to provide for the family unit. Continue reading… Gender, Men, Gender pay gap, Women, Family, Life and style, Health & wellbeing, Relationships 

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