Antimicrobial resistance in soil bacteria without the use of antibiotics: Predatory interactions drive development

Antimicrobial resistance in soil bacteria without the use of antibiotics: Predatory interactions drive development

Overuse of antibiotics is currently the primary reason for the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Kiel University, however, have shown that AMR can surprisingly be found in soil bacterial communities due to microbial interactions too, driven by a species of predatory bacteria. Overuse of antibiotics is currently the primary reason for the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Kiel University, however, have shown that AMR can surprisingly be found in soil bacterial communities due to microbial interactions too, driven by a species of predatory bacteria. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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