Childcare, Early years education, Children, Parents and parenting, Money, Society Business | The Guardian
Sam Hardy says it’s unfair for financial assistance to be offered solely to those who return to workA sustainable and fair funding model for all types of childcare is important (All parents, working or not, should have access to childcare, say experts in England, 16 May). However, in its report, the Early Education and Childcare Coalition (EECC) neglects a great unfairness of the current model – those who choose to care for their children themselves receive no financial support.As the director of the EECC says in your article, childcare is not just about facilitating parents’ return to work. Therefore the focus ought to be on nurturing and developing the child in the most appropriate way. Sometimes a parent will want to care for a child themselves and, in at least some circumstances, this will be the best way to support the child’s development. Enabling such an option (alongside one to return to work for those who want to) is in line with the report’s call for families to have genuine choice about how they care for children. Continue reading…
Sam Hardy says it’s unfair for financial assistance to be offered solely to those who return to work
A sustainable and fair funding model for all types of childcare is important (All parents, working or not, should have access to childcare, say experts in England, 16 May). However, in its report, the Early Education and Childcare Coalition (EECC) neglects a great unfairness of the current model – those who choose to care for their children themselves receive no financial support.
As the director of the EECC says in your article, childcare is not just about facilitating parents’ return to work. Therefore the focus ought to be on nurturing and developing the child in the most appropriate way. Sometimes a parent will want to care for a child themselves and, in at least some circumstances, this will be the best way to support the child’s development. Enabling such an option (alongside one to return to work for those who want to) is in line with the report’s call for families to have genuine choice about how they care for children.