Houseplant clinic: my tricolour hoya has solid green leaves

Houseplant clinic: my tricolour hoya has solid green leaves

Got a niggling houseplant query? Our expert is here to help. This week: how to keep your hoya in the pink

What’s the problem?
My tricolour wax plant (Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’) has produced a new vine, but the leaves are solid green. How can I get the variegation back?

Variegated plants can sometimes produce reverted growth, where new leaves return to their green form. This can happen because the variegation is due to an unstable genetic mutation, so the plant reverts to a more stable, all-green state. The green leaves are more efficient at photosynthesis, so sometimes grow more vigorously than the variegated parts. Unfortunately, once a vine starts producing solid green leaves, it is unlikely to develop tricolour variegation later on.

Continue reading… Got a niggling houseplant query? Our expert is here to help. This week: how to keep your hoya in the pinkWhat’s the problem?
My tricolour wax plant (Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’) has produced a new vine, but the leaves are solid green. How can I get the variegation back?Diagnosis
Variegated plants can sometimes produce reverted growth, where new leaves return to their green form. This can happen because the variegation is due to an unstable genetic mutation, so the plant reverts to a more stable, all-green state. The green leaves are more efficient at photosynthesis, so sometimes grow more vigorously than the variegated parts. Unfortunately, once a vine starts producing solid green leaves, it is unlikely to develop tricolour variegation later on. Continue reading… Houseplants, Life and style 

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