Notes on chocolate: the Easter choc-a-thon is on its way

Notes on chocolate: the Easter choc-a-thon is on its way

Time to get cracking…

Usually, Easter-chocolate testing is quite fraught, intense and messy, with everything coming in at once, so that a frantic load of uncouth shovelling ensues. But this year, with Easter being a little later than usual (20 April), I’ve been able to enjoy a treat or two with more leisure. I have some really good recommendations for you over the next few weeks

My first one is Asda’s Exceptional Hand Decorated Orange and Ginger Dark Chocolate Egg, £9.98. It’s not super dark at 54% cocoa, but it’s a really good-tasting egg from a supermarket, with bits of candied orange peel and crystallised ginger. If milk chocolate is more your thing, then look along the Asda shelf to the Caramel, Pretzel and Honeycomb (33% cocoa) milk chocolate egg, £9.98. If you like sweet and crunchy, munchy eggs, then this one is definitely worth trying. I have more supermarket recommendations coming next week.

Continue reading… Time to get cracking…Usually, Easter-chocolate testing is quite fraught, intense and messy, with everything coming in at once, so that a frantic load of uncouth shovelling ensues. But this year, with Easter being a little later than usual (20 April), I’ve been able to enjoy a treat or two with more leisure. I have some really good recommendations for you over the next few weeksMy first one is Asda’s Exceptional Hand Decorated Orange and Ginger Dark Chocolate Egg, £9.98. It’s not super dark at 54% cocoa, but it’s a really good-tasting egg from a supermarket, with bits of candied orange peel and crystallised ginger. If milk chocolate is more your thing, then look along the Asda shelf to the Caramel, Pretzel and Honeycomb (33% cocoa) milk chocolate egg, £9.98. If you like sweet and crunchy, munchy eggs, then this one is definitely worth trying. I have more supermarket recommendations coming next week. Continue reading… Easter, Chocolate, Food, Life and style 

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