Reading time, 3 minutes: Are school labels failing students who struggle? Traditional learning difficulty labels may not fully capture the diverse challenges students face. A study suggests personalised assessment is key to supporting students more effectively. Do diagnostic labels tell the full story? This research, conducted by the University of Cambridge (n = 530), examined the cognitive and neural […] Reading time, 3 minutes: Are school labels failing students who struggle? Traditional learning difficulty labels may not fully capture the diverse challenges students face. A study suggests personalised assessment is key to supporting students more effectively. Do diagnostic labels tell the full story? This research, conducted by the University of Cambridge (n = 530), examined the cognitive and neural Academic Research, Cognitive Science, SEND, ADHD, classroom strategies, cognitive assessments, Dyslexia, educational neuroscience, learning difficulties, literacy difficulties, machine learning in education, maths difficulties, Neuroeducation, Personalised Learning, phonological processing, school interventions, SEND Support, Special Educational Needs, student learning profiles, student progress, teacher CPD, Working Memory TeacherToolkit
Remapping Children Who Struggle at School