The “Big Five” Within the Science of Reading

The science of reading is a collection of the currently available reading research that explains positive results in reading performance. It is a compilation of studies published by peer-reviewed researchers; in other words, the research is conducted in a controlled setting and then reviewed by experts in the field for validity and accuracy before acceptance into a major research publication. It attempts to distinguish in the research literature between correlative (data simply showing a correlation that may or may not show effectiveness in a strategy) and causation (data showing that one specific strategy causes something to happen- in this case, improved reading performance by some metric determined by the researchers).

The post The “Big Five” Within the Science of Reading appeared first on Model Teaching.

 The science of reading is a collection of the currently available reading research that explains positive results in reading performance. It is a compilation of studies published by peer-reviewed researchers; in other words, the research is conducted in a controlled setting and then reviewed by experts in the field for validity and accuracy before acceptance into a major research publication. It attempts to distinguish in the research literature between correlative (data simply showing a correlation that may or may not show effectiveness in a strategy) and causation (data showing that one specific strategy causes something to happen- in this case, improved reading performance by some metric determined by the researchers).
The post The “Big Five” Within the Science of Reading appeared first on Model Teaching. Lesson & Curriculum Planning, Reading/ELA Instruction, Teaching Strategies, ELA, Instructional Improvement, Lesson Planning, New Teachers, Reading, Vocabulary Model Teaching

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