Ted wants his wife to ‘own’ being cheap, while Marian thinks Ted should be grateful he’s got such a savvy wife. You decide whose argument doesn’t wash
Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a juror
She doesn’t do it in our private bathroom – because other people won’t see it there – but she will everywhere else
I just think: do you want nice interiors on a budget price, or not?
Continue reading… Ted wants his wife to ‘own’ being cheap, while Marian thinks Ted should be grateful he’s got such a savvy wife. You decide whose argument doesn’t washFind out how to get a disagreement settled or become a jurorShe doesn’t do it in our private bathroom – because other people won’t see it there – but she will everywhere elseI just think: do you want nice interiors on a budget price, or not? Continue reading… Relationships, Life and style, Marriage, Family