With empress, imperial and royal honey murcotts in season, mandarins rule the fruit bowl this month. Plus – cauliflower is cheap, and keep an eye out for kalettes
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The fruit aisle provides the best bargains this month, with citrus and apples the best of the bunch, says the owner of wholesaler Red Rich Fruits Matt Palise.
“You can get two kilos of apples or citrus for the same price as a packet of chips,” he says.
Continue reading… With empress, imperial and royal honey murcotts in season, mandarins rule the fruit bowl this month. Plus – cauliflower is cheap, and keep an eye out for kalettesGet our weekend culture and lifestyle emailThe fruit aisle provides the best bargains this month, with citrus and apples the best of the bunch, says the owner of wholesaler Red Rich Fruits Matt Palise.“You can get two kilos of apples or citrus for the same price as a packet of chips,” he says.Sign up for the fun stuff with our rundown of must-reads, pop culture and tips for the weekend, every Saturday morning Continue reading… Food, Australian food and drink, Fruit, Vegetables, Australian lifestyle, Life and style