Trypillia Mega-Sites Avoided Wealth Inequalities between Individual Households, Archaeologists Say

Trypillia Mega-Sites Avoided Wealth Inequalities between Individual Households, Archaeologists Say

The Trypillia culture flourished in western/central Ukraine, Moldova and eastern Romania for over two millennia from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (5400-2700 BCE).

The post Trypillia Mega-Sites Avoided Wealth Inequalities between Individual Households, Archaeologists Say appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 The Trypillia culture flourished in western/central Ukraine, Moldova and eastern Romania for over two millennia from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (5400-2700 BCE).
The post Trypillia Mega-Sites Avoided Wealth Inequalities between Individual Households, Archaeologists Say appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Archaeology, Bronze Age, Cucuteni-Trypillia culture, Europe, Inequality, Moldova, Neolithic, Romania, Settlement, Trypillia culture, Ukraine, Well-being Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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