‘Who buys a retail brand during Covid?’ The man who revived salad chain Tossed

‘Who buys a retail brand during Covid?’ The man who revived salad chain Tossed

Food & drink industry, Retail industry, Coronavirus, London, Business, UK news Business | The Guardian

​The healthy eating chain almost collapsed during lockdown, but now has visions of putting down roots beyond its core London marketNeil Sebba, the managing director of healthy eating chain Tossed, does not take long when asked if he is a risk-taker.“Yes: who buys a brand in Covid in a market that is completely dead?” he says, reflecting on the decision he and co-owner Angelina Harrisson took to buy the business out of administration in September 2020. Continue reading… 

The healthy eating chain almost collapsed during lockdown, but now has visions of putting down roots beyond its core London market

Neil Sebba, the managing director of healthy eating chain Tossed, does not take long when asked if he is a risk-taker.

“Yes: who buys a brand in Covid in a market that is completely dead?” he says, reflecting on the decision he and co-owner Angelina Harrisson took to buy the business out of administration in September 2020.

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