Youth clubs are vital. We can all help to revive them | Letters

Youth clubs are vital. We can all help to revive them | Letters

Readers respond to an editorial about the loss of council-run youth services as Tory cuts have bitten into budgets

I can’t agree more with your editorial on youth services (The Guardian view on youth clubs: these vital institutions do more than prevent crime, 1 July). I live in Bristol, where knife crime among youth is rife. I have a 16-year-old and, although he’s not vulnerable to gang grooming, the only thing available to people in this age bracket is car parks. The only places they can hang out among friends are dark, empty spaces without footfall. Although they can work at the pub, they can’t visit it.

The problem, apart from the deep funding cuts, is segregation among ages in the UK. If as a society we embraced children and adolescents as more than a mere nuisance, the government cuts to youth services would never have become so detrimental.
Margarita Sidirokastriti

Continue reading… Readers respond to an editorial about the loss of council-run youth services as Tory cuts have bitten into budgetsI can’t agree more with your editorial on youth services (The Guardian view on youth clubs: these vital institutions do more than prevent crime, 1 July). I live in Bristol, where knife crime among youth is rife. I have a 16-year-old and, although he’s not vulnerable to gang grooming, the only thing available to people in this age bracket is car parks. The only places they can hang out among friends are dark, empty spaces without footfall. Although they can work at the pub, they can’t visit it.The problem, apart from the deep funding cuts, is segregation among ages in the UK. If as a society we embraced children and adolescents as more than a mere nuisance, the government cuts to youth services would never have become so detrimental.Margarita Sidirokastriti Bristol Continue reading… Young people, Society, Children, Health & wellbeing, Life and style 

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