I feel despair about the state of the world. How can I find the courage to not abandon hope? | Leading questions

I feel despair about the state of the world. How can I find the courage to not abandon hope? | Leading questions

Hope is something we choose – and sustain for the sake of others, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. Seek out others who are looking for reasons to keep going

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There is a feeling of dread lurking in my everyday. Wars, famine, the cost-of-living crisis, governments turning their backs on the most vulnerable, inhumane asylum seeker policies, the rise of the far right in Europe, the climate crisis.

I know this is not the first time in the history of humanity that it seems like it is all going to shit, but that knowledge does not necessarily bring me any peace.

Continue reading… Hope is something we choose – and sustain for the sake of others, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. Seek out others who are looking for reasons to keep goingFind more Leading questions hereThere is a feeling of dread lurking in my everyday. Wars, famine, the cost-of-living crisis, governments turning their backs on the most vulnerable, inhumane asylum seeker policies, the rise of the far right in Europe, the climate crisis.I know this is not the first time in the history of humanity that it seems like it is all going to shit, but that knowledge does not necessarily bring me any peace. Continue reading… Australian lifestyle, Life and style, Activism 

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