China’s emissions of two potent greenhouse gases rise 78% in decade

China’s emissions of two potent greenhouse gases rise 78% in decade

China, Climate crisis, Environment, Greenhouse gas emissions, Emissions trading, Asia Pacific Business | The Guardian

​Figure represents 64-66% of global output of tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane, MIT study findsEmissions of two of the most potent greenhouse gases have substantially increased in China over the last decade, a study has found.Perfluorocarbons are used in the manufacturing processes for flat-panel TVs and semiconductors, or as by-products from aluminium smelting. They are far more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2, and can persist in the Earth’s atmosphere for thousands of years, unlike CO2 which can persist for up to 200 years. Continue reading… 

Figure represents 64-66% of global output of tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane, MIT study finds

Emissions of two of the most potent greenhouse gases have substantially increased in China over the last decade, a study has found.

Perfluorocarbons are used in the manufacturing processes for flat-panel TVs and semiconductors, or as by-products from aluminium smelting. They are far more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2, and can persist in the Earth’s atmosphere for thousands of years, unlike CO2 which can persist for up to 200 years.

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