UK banks told to treat politicians more fairly after Farage debanking row

UK banks told to treat politicians more fairly after Farage debanking row

Financial Conduct Authority, Nigel Farage, Banks and building societies, Politics, Banking, UK news, Regulators Business | The Guardian

​The FCA says financial firms should not disadvantage people running for office and their familiesThe UK’s biggest banks have been told by the City watchdog to do more to ensure parliamentarians, senior public servants and their families are treated fairly in the wake of the Nigel Farage debanking row.In a warning to financial firms – including banks, payment firms and lenders – the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said they should not disadvantage people running for office or taking senior public roles. Continue reading… 

The FCA says financial firms should not disadvantage people running for office and their families

The UK’s biggest banks have been told by the City watchdog to do more to ensure parliamentarians, senior public servants and their families are treated fairly in the wake of the Nigel Farage debanking row.

In a warning to financial firms – including banks, payment firms and lenders – the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said they should not disadvantage people running for office or taking senior public roles.

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