Boosting energy combines prana, chakras, meridians, yoga (inversions, backbends, warrior poses, Surya Namaskar), pranayama (Kapalabhati, Breath Awareness), mindful lifestyle choices (nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management), positive mindset, laughter, social connections, body movement, and consistency, as highlighted by meditation guru Dr. Archika Sudhanshu. Boosting energy combines prana, chakras, meridians, yoga (inversions, backbends, warrior poses, Surya Namaskar), pranayama (Kapalabhati, Breath Awareness), mindful lifestyle choices (nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management), positive mindset, laughter, social connections, body movement, and consistency, as highlighted by meditation guru Dr. Archika Sudhanshu. Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle