Sunbeds increase the risk of cancer, whatever TikTok tells you | Sali Hughes on beauty

Sunbeds increase the risk of cancer, whatever TikTok tells you | Sali Hughes on beauty

There are no health benefits to tanning beds: they don’t help you produce vitamin D and are no substitute for proper medical treatments for skin conditions

My response to people telling me they’ve been “for a quick sunbed” is, I imagine, similar to the reaction one might get from Chris Packham for admitting to going on a quick foxhunt. I loathe the things and believe they should be banned here (as they are in Australia, Brazil and Iran).

I assumed commercial sunbeds were becoming déclassé, but a new survey commissioned by tanning brand Vita Liberata for its campaign Not the Way to Glow has shown there’s still a mountain to climb.

Continue reading… There are no health benefits to tanning beds: they don’t help you produce vitamin D and are no substitute for proper medical treatments for skin conditionsMy response to people telling me they’ve been “for a quick sunbed” is, I imagine, similar to the reaction one might get from Chris Packham for admitting to going on a quick foxhunt. I loathe the things and believe they should be banned here (as they are in Australia, Brazil and Iran).I assumed commercial sunbeds were becoming déclassé, but a new survey commissioned by tanning brand Vita Liberata for its campaign Not the Way to Glow has shown there’s still a mountain to climb. Continue reading… Beauty, Life and style, Men, Women, Health, Health & wellbeing, Cancer, Skin cancer 

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