Japan asks young people for views on marriage amid population crisis

Japan asks young people for views on marriage amid population crisis

Surveys show young Japanese are reluctant to have families because of high cost of living and lack of good jobs

The Japanese government has begun to consult young people about their interest in marriage, or lack thereof, as Japan continues to struggle with a demographic crisis that is expected to result in a sharp population decline over the next decades.

Launched in April 2023, the Children and Families Agency held its first working group meeting on Friday to support young people in their efforts to find partners through dating, matchmaking and other means. Attenders included those considering marriage in the future and experts versed in the challenges facing youth.

Continue reading… Surveys show young Japanese are reluctant to have families because of high cost of living and lack of good jobsThe Japanese government has begun to consult young people about their interest in marriage, or lack thereof, as Japan continues to struggle with a demographic crisis that is expected to result in a sharp population decline over the next decades.Launched in April 2023, the Children and Families Agency held its first working group meeting on Friday to support young people in their efforts to find partners through dating, matchmaking and other means. Attenders included those considering marriage in the future and experts versed in the challenges facing youth. Continue reading… Japan, Population, Asia Pacific, World news, Marriage, Family, Life and style 

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